Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vegan Experiment: Over


So, the vegan experiment lasted a few days left than I had hoped. On Thursday I had a physiology midterm, three more classes and a meeting to work on a physiology project. I sort of developed a habit of getting a mocha before seminar on Thursdays to keep me alert. I caved and had one this week. It gave me a HORRIBLE stomach ache, so I guess that's what I deserved!

While I definitely don't plan to become a vegan, there were some definite positive points.

-I definitely had to add more veggies to meals to get something really flavorful. Sometimes I think cheese acts as a crutch in this way.
-Most of my meals did end up really healthy.
-Obviously the carbon footprint of my meals for the 10 days was improved.

-I didn't necessarily feel any better than normal and one dish I made really upset my stomach.
-I was still eating some junky, process stuff like pretzels.
-Most chocolate includes dairy. Enough said!

I'll definitely be including a lot of vegan meals in the future, although I'm happy to have dairy back in my life for now. Especially since Thanksgiving is next week!


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