Sunday, November 7, 2010

Stress, excuses & NYC Marathon inspiration...


So, obviously it's been awhile. There's no really valid excuse for that. I have been really busy and really stressed. I have been running, but it hasn't been going so well. Mostly this is due to being really busy and really stressed. Ugh. So, basically I haven't been too excited about spending my precious leisure time thinking about running. One of my classes is really awful (to the tune of 'you might be seeing me in this course again next year') and I've really been letting it get me down. I know that I shouldn't be, but for some reason I just can't help it. I'm really not all that Type A, but this class is really making me feel like a loser. The upside is that I only have two weeks until I have a week off for Thanksgiving (yes, we have the whole week off-strange, but I'll take it!) and then only two weeks of instruction before the exams. Then, I'll be off for 3 weeks!

This morning I watched the NYC Marathon. It was great to see Shalane Flanagan take 2nd in her debut marathon. I was sad to see Haile have to drop out, but perhaps it made a better men's race in the end. Obviously, it was pretty inspiring to watch. I went out for an 8 miler, which is the longest run I've done in Colorado. It wasn't great, but it was good to be out there. It's hard for me to believe based on today's "long" run that I ran a marathon in June. It's hard for me to believe that I've actually run five of them. But, I will be back in marathon shape someday.

For now, I'm trying to consistently build back up. I'm also trying to be less stressed and more like a normal human because I really can't be this busy/stressed for two whole years. More than anything, I'm trying to find the joy in running again. It really is my passion and one of my favorite things to do. I've been letting things get in the way of that. No more.

I hope that everyone is finding joy in their autumn running! It really is the best season for it!

Happy Running!


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