Monday, July 5, 2010

Track Workout


Tomorrow I'm going to a track workout arranged by the YMCA at Appleton North High School. I'm excited but nervous. I guess the good thing is that, unlike a regular road training run, I can't get lost or anything if I am the slowest person there.

I'm excited to do a track workout though. I actually haven't done one in years.

Another thing that makes me nervous is that the workout is at 6:30 PM. I typically run later at night, so I come home, eat supper, let it digest and then go. I think I'm going to have some sort of substantial snack around 4:30. I can't not eat before the workout. I pretty much melt down mentally and physically when I miss a regular mealtime. Hopefully I can strike a balance and be well fueled but not have a bunch of food sitting in my stomach for the workout.


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