Thursday, July 8, 2010

Don't Fear the Track Workout!


So, as promised, I went to a group track workout on Tuesday. Admittedly, I was pretty nervous about the whole thing and almost bailed. I don't know why I'm so weird about group workouts. It was totally fine and I'm glad I went. Some were faster than me and some were slower. And, during 400m and 800m intervals, it's hard to get too strung out anyway. Since this was my first track workout since, say, 2005, I was a bit unsure of how it would go. We did a ladder workout with rest in between.


My last 400s were about the same pace as my first ones, but I didn't feel like I had a ton left in the tank, so I think I paced things pretty well. The only interval that I think I should have gone harder on was the 1600. I was a bit conservative because it was a long one and I had a lot of the workout left to go. You can see the details by clicking on the DailyMile widgit and looking at my training.

The other runners were very friendly and there were Popsicles after the workout. :)

Tuesday was also my birthday. Some may go out for a night on the town for their birthdays, but I really know how to party!

Happy Running!

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