Sunday, February 28, 2010

This Week in Training


Here's a quick summary of my training for the week. It was a good week of training, but nothing too exciting.

M: 4 mile walk with the dog
T: 9 miles with 10 x 100 m strides
W: 5 mile recovery run + 3 mile dog walk
R: 10 mile general aerobic run
F: Rest
Sa: I skipped my 5 mile recovery run and went ice skating for 90 minutes instead. I guess I was inspired by the Olympics!
Su: 17 mile long run. There was a Garmin snafu that prevented all of my data from being recorded, but the 14 miles of it that I got were at a 8:35 min/mile average. Not bad at all.
My right calf and both achilles tendons were slightly sore from the ice skating, but it didn't
seem to hurt me too much. I guess I went a little too Apolo Ohno.

A solid week overall, although I feel a bit guilty over skipping Saturday's run. There's no real reason I couldn't do it. Oh well. It was just a recovery run and I went into today's long run well rested. The ice skating was also quite fun, despite the soreness I have today. It was surprisingly busy. A youth hockey tournament was wrapping up when we got there. I knew that hockey was big around here, but I guess I didn't quite understand the scope of it all. There were lots of people there for the public skate as well. It was nice to see people doing something active and supporting a local business. One kid there was way more interested in sliding into the wall and eating ice shavings than actually skating!

I guess that's about it on the training front. Next weekend I plan to do a local 5k on Saturday and then my 18 miler on Sunday. It is the last week of building before a cutback week. I think I will be looking forward to the cutback week, which I think is a key sign that I am training hard enough. You should always be mentally and physically tired enough to welcome a cutback week or taper, but not so exhausted that you couldn't go on.

This was a great weekend, but, like all the others, was too short. I'll definitely have a case of the Mondays...

Happy Running!


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