Sunday, February 21, 2010

This Week in Training & My Awesome Long Run


Time for the weekly training summary. It will be a bit brief-primarily because I didn't take a watch on most of my runs and am just lazy! ;) If I can remember my old Buckeye Outdoors login information, I will try to start posting on there again.

M: 15 mile long run (displaced due to my fall & done on the treadmill because I was skeered.)
T: Rest + 4 mile dog walk
W: 9 miles with 3 x 5 minutes @ 8:00 mpm pace
R: 5 mile recovery run + 3 mile dog walk
F: Rest
Sa: 5 mile recovery run
Su: 16 mile long run @ 8:21 mpm average pace

My long run today was AWESOME!!! It was probably run a bit too fast since it was even faster than my desired marathon pace. But, I like to do my long runs by feel and as long as I get my rest days and recovery runs in this week I think I'll be okay. I had to slow myself down at several points. I was getting tired the final 1.5 miles, but that's too be expected. I felt strong throughout.

Lots of times in training I am not very good with my fueling. For some reason on training runs I tend to try to avoid taking my gels. That is something that I am committed to improving this training cycle. Today I took gels and water at miles 4, 8 and 12. It worked well and I didn't have any stomach issues. This run was a great way to end a week that started pretty badly. Yahoo!!!

In other news, I found out this week that I have been accepted to 2 graduate schools! I'm going to wait until things are more settled to elaborate, but it looks like I will be moving West at the end of the summer! I'll always be BadgerGirl, but I will no longer be training in America's Dairyland.

Happy Running!


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