Sunday, January 31, 2010



Here's a picture of my dog, Butler. He is a rescue and has been with us since July 2007. We think he might be a German Shorthaired Pointer and Black Lab mix, but we obviously don't know for sure. We also didn't give him his name. I wish that we would have asked the shelter why they named him that. We were going to name him Miles or Milo, but once we had him, it just seemed like he'd been through enough already without having his name changed again. Everyone thinks we should teach him to fetch a beer since he's supposed to be a butler and all. So far he has no marketable skills, which is too bad since I really do think it's about time that he stops laying around all day and contributes to the household coffer.

It's only tangentially related to running in that he is sometimes my running partner. I bought him this monogrammed jacket from Land's End. He hates wearing it, but he looks absolutely precious, doesn't he?

Thanks for looking and happy running!


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